
One pen
out of 1 000 000 toothbrushes

Curaprox in Kriens, Switzerland, produces hundreds of millions of toothbrushes a year. A fraction of them will not pass the demanding final quality check. We in the foothills of the Vysočina take these seemingly worthless renegades a give them a new life. We love Curaprox toothbrushes, which is why we’re upcycling them to premium ballpoint pens.


It will cheer you up whenever you pick it up. It triggers out-of-the-box thinking at just a glance.


Made from premium Curaprox Velvet toothbrushes that have not passed an exit inspection.


Long lasting

Easily replace the cartridge or any part in it. It’s so simple that you can’t really break it.


It glides across the paper so easily thanks to the EasyFlow refill. It opens smoothly and quietly thanks to the top-quality mechanics.

What color do you like best?

Kaya Cura comes in all the iconic Curaprox Velvet toothbrush colours. They’re just lovely.

Kayu Cura Lite


Kayu Cura is an upcycled pen from the iconic Curaprox toothbrush. We’ve equipped it with a high-quality click mechanism with incredibly smooth operation and a stylish clasp that accentuates the brush’s design. We make Cura in many different colours so you can find yours. And to make sure you really enjoy writing with Kayu Cura, we’ve packed it with a German-made refill to ensure your lines are completely fluid. Unlike the classic Kayu Cura, Cura Lite does not have a clip. The pen is thus two grams lighter and, moreover, cheaper by a part that you may not even need.

The body: Upcycled Curaprox toothbrush

Colour: Apricot, Baby Pink, Cobalt-Blue, Ice White, Mauve, Mint Green, Pure Black, Teal Blue

Refill type: High capacity Schmidt Easy Flow 9000

Refill color: Blue or Black

Tip thickness: Fine or Medium

The package contains: Pen in box, Thank you card

Weight N/A
Pen Color (Cura)

Apricot, Baby Pink, Cobalt-Blue, Ice White, Mauve, Mint Green, Pure Black, Teal Blue

Refill (Cura)

Fine Black (0,5 mm), Fine Blue (0,5 mm), Medium Black (0,7 mm)

SKU: 333 Category: Tag:

More versions of Kayu Cura

Reviews by real people

Ondřej Obluk

Ondřej Obluk

CEO Ogilvy Czech

"This is the very essence of out-of-the-box thinking for me!"

Zuzana Jiránková

Zuzana Jiránková

CEO Silene

"How come Cura isn't available everywhere?"

David Novák

David Novák

CMO Knihobot

"This pen has taught me to journal as often as I brush my teeth."


Features you ‘ll love

Filling and Repacement

Filling and Repacement

Easily replaceable Easyflow cartridge

Just unscrew the metal mechanism and the large-capacity EasyFlow refill will peek out at you. We have it in blue and black. The cartridge is dimensionally compatible with a number of cartridges from other manufacturers. But none glides as smoothly on paper as ours.

Pen Length

Pen Length

It fits perfectly in both small and large hands

Thanks to its length of 128 mm, hands of almost all sizes will love it. At the same time, it is not unnecessarily long, so it fits comfortably in every pocket. Just the perfect partner for the event.

Ergonomics and grip

Ergonomics and grip

You just take and write

The Cura tapers towards the tip, so you can feel the ideal grip in the grip range of 8.7 - 12 mm yourself. Thanks to the typical octagonal cross-section, the grip is very natural and comfortable.

Balance and Handling

Balance and Handling

Dexterous and so smooth

The pen has an ideal weight of 18.8 g, so you can feel it in your hand, but it's not uncomfortably heavy. At the same time, the center of gravity is shifted backwards, so it feels lighter towards the tip and it seems that you are gliding with a feather on the paper.

What you want to know most often

It’s an inspiring story of how a Czech skill, along with a bit of courage, managed to reach the CEO of a global company and started a journey that could lead to a global upcycling campaign. Read more in the article Toothbrush pen appeals to Curaprox CEO.

Of course it can! We’re not gonna upcycle a pen to make it one-use only. Just unscrew the metal pen mechanism and a high-capacity refill peeks out. You can find a compatible cartridge type in every other stationery store. But we definitely recommend using our Easy Flow 9000 refills, which glide across the paper like no other!

Yes and no. Technologically, of course, it is realistic and in the prototyping phase of the project, we planned to work with the used brushes. However, at the moment we are not able to handle the logistics. The process would have to look something like this:

1/ Collection
2/ Owner’s designation
3/ Sterilisation
4/ Production
5/ Sending back

At the moment it is not possible, but we would love to open this possibility to the world in the future. If you are interested in the possibility of making a pen directly from your toothbrush, have a notification sent to you when it becomes available.

That would be great! Unfortunately, we almost always receive the brushes without bristles, so we are left with only the bare brush head after production. But if you have an idea how to use the bristle-less head, get in touch and we’ll be happy to provide you with the leftover material.

Email me at michal@kayuwriting.com. I’ll be happy to answer you and if it’s something that might be of interest to others, we’ll be happy to add your question and answer here.

You may still be interested in

How did a toothbrush become a pen?

Read the article about how the whole project came about and what all led up to the moment when you can enjoy your Kayu Cura with your own hands.

Shops with Cura

If you would like to touch the Kayu Cura before you buy it, we have several options for you to buy the pen in Prague, Brno, Znojmo and Bratislava.

The story of Kayu

We are a purely Czech brand producing premium stationery since 2015 and constantly discovering new challenges. We pride ourselves on doing the entire design and manufacturing process ourselves in the Czech Republic. Innovation is our passion.

Read about Kayu

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